Our skills are fluid.
This wine and spirits distributor takes as much pride in their strong values as they do their tremendous depth of product selection. When the time came to tap into a better web presence, they knew exactly who to call.
River City Distribution's Problem
River City Distribution is the largest independent distributor in the company’s market. The family-owned business has a strong focus on maintaining top-of-the-line technology and approaching customers with integrity and quality service. When they approached us to build a complex website for them, we wanted to bring out those same characteristics and core values.
And we did.
OOHology's Solution
River City’s website carries a very genuine, personable voice and delivers on that same commitment to technology that the company has in its day-to-day. The website features a very in-depth and complex menu, with each of hundreds (and hundreds) of products having their very own product page, description and links to similar products, a unique and useful feature for customers.