Site Info
A Friendly Reminder
Okay. So now that you’ve seen our site, you may have the urge to “borrow” some of the words and images. Just wanted to mention that all of the information on this website is property of OOHology ©2025. That includes text, images, markup, CSS, programming, title tag content, meta element tag content and design. It can’t be reproduced anywhere else in any way without explicit written permission
We know what you’re thinking: “But how is my agency supposed to top your agency’s website without stealing your awesome design and copy ideas?”
Well the hard truth is, you’ll never top it. But hey, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. Plus, we’re sure you’re good at other things. Perhaps knitting or decoupage? Either way, we fully support your dream to make a website this awesome, impossible as it may be, so long as it’s on your own merit.
Design, Images and Artwork Cannot Be Reproduced under Any Circumstances
This website design and unique combination of images, colors, sizes, typography, positioning, CSS, HTML and other markup and web development is copyrighted and cannot be reproduced or used anywhere else, whether in part or in whole. No exceptions. Look at the bright side, you can literally do anything else you want.
Website Design and Development
This web design and all associated website development and search engine optimization was completed by OOHology LLC, a Louisville, Kentucky and Cincinnati, Ohio digital marketing, web design, web development and branding company. Any inquiries about the design of this website should be directed to: .