The recipe for creating a bakery’s kick-ass branding.
So, a lawyer, a baker and an entrepreneur walk into our office. No joke. Also, they were all the same person -- Brad Dillon.
After years of pleading cases, Brad made a case for himself, exchanging his lawyer’s suit and briefcase for an apron and a whisk to follow a lifelong passion for baking -- and Brad’s Breads was born. While the name of his bakery had some nice alliteration going for it, Brad realized it lacked pizzaz, so he called on us to freshen up his brand.
Of course, the first thing we did was research. Lots and lots of delicious, savory and chocolatey research. After a thorough analysis of Brad’s tantalizing artisanal breads, scones and cookies, we rolled up our sleeves and started baking some scrumptious brand guidelines.
While the actual recipe is a family secret, we can reveal that we started with a bold design, added a pinch of attitude, a dollop of playfulness and a little OOHology secret sauce for good measure. The result? A fresh brand identity brimming with a quirky personality that reflected the Kentucky twists Brad brings to such gourmet classics as his Derby Pie Scones.
When we unveiled the new name and design, Black Sheep Bake Shop, we didn’t think Brad’s smile could grow any bigger, that is until he saw business cards bearing his new position -- Dough Master. We also cooked up some package labels that Brad could personalize with elegant metallic inks. But the icing on Brad’s cake was our Black Sheep swag, including black tees that not-so-sheepishly proclaimed, “B-A-A-A-D ASS BAKING.”
Our Black Sheep Bake Shop branding continues to guide Dough Master Pillon’s mission to bake our community’s way to happiness with his signature flavors. Our only regret? Not eating more of those yummy scones.